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عملية التسجيل سهلة جدا فقط اسمك و ايميلك و رقم سري

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نبض الشارع
سجل و تمتع بخدمات موقعنا
عملية التسجيل سهلة جدا فقط اسمك و ايميلك و رقم سري
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هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
انثى عدد المساهمات : 18007
ذهب : 36295
تقييم المشاركات : 265
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/09/2011

Watch live for the sentencing hearing on 02.06.2012 Mubarak, youtube the final judgment on Hosni Mubarak on Sunday 02/06/2012 Empty Watch live for the sentencing hearing on 02.06.2012 Mubarak, youtube the final judgment on Hosni Mubarak on Sunday 02/06/2012

الجمعة يونيو 01, 2012 2:13 pm
Watch live for the sentencing hearing on 02.06.2012 Mubarak, youtube the final judgment on Hosni Mubarak on Sunday 02/06/2012

YouTube escape the verdict of acquittal on Hosni Mubarak's prison death Saturday, June 2, 2012
Text and details of the escape of the verdict on Hosni Mubarak on Saturday 272 012

Due to the verdict in the trial of deposed President Hosni Mubarak on 2 June, in an atmosphere heated, and the positions of the confused, or supporting or rejecting the outcome of the presidential election results.
Fawzia Abdul Sattar - and - Refaat Al
Fawzia Abdul Sattar - and - Refaat Al

On the conduct of the run-off between Ahmed Shafik and Dr. Mohamed Morsi.
The question now is: will be sentenced Ali Mubarak, in the confused political conditions? .. Then you judge the authority to postpone the verdict, despite setting a date prior to that in previous sessions? .. What are the implications of government, whether of acquittal or a conviction was issued on returns in the presidential election?
Judgment on the former president says Dr. Hassan useful political science professor at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at the University of Cairo will have repercussions, as the acquitted Mubarak will lead to angry scenes in particular that there is a state of extreme polarization in the political landscape, and between the sectors of public opinion Egyptian, and will lead to congestion phenomenally popular, and the sentences reduced to the former president will lead to the same result of anger and resentment mass.
There is no doubt - and the talk was still of Dr. Hassan useful - that the sentences to death or imprisonment, aggravated in the right of ousted president will ease the anger and rage that will dominate the street of Egypt, and will ensure the other hand, the possibility of restoring the money stolen, and which can not be restored in any way if there Mubarak to an acquittal, as well as narrow the gap a little between the people and political forces and the military junta, which has widened because of the mistakes that occurred during his administration for the transitional period.
Saturday coming trial of the ousted .. Najib we display and we celebrate his execution in the field or working on his innocence Tanih revolution!
Watch live for the sentencing hearing on 02.06.2012 Mubarak, youtube the final judgment on Hosni Mubarak on Sunday 02/06/2012[youtube][/youtube]
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