- nermeen35
- عدد المساهمات : 18007
ذهب : 36295
تقييم المشاركات : 265
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/09/2011
Of Lamia Zaidi, Wikipedia Lamia Zaidi, CV Lamia Zaidi, pictures of Lamia Zaidi
الأحد سبتمبر 16, 2012 1:40 pm
Of Lamia Zaidi, Wikipedia Lamia Zaidi, CV Lamia Zaidi, pictures of Lamia Zaidi
Of Lamia Zaidi, Wikipedia Lamia Zaidi, CV Lamia Zaidi, pictures of Lamia Zaidi
Country Morocco
Date of Birth 09 December
Of the rights to the art, a trip punctuated by several positions and stages experienced Moroccan Lamia Zaidi, led it to The Voice and who you think the most prominent articular station that you will know the Arab public.
Lived Lamia difficult phase of her life, after splitting from the person who was loving, art Ibadtha, while singing in front of Princess non Salma, what brought them hope and ambition, and began a new phase in her life.
Its top example in art is the depositary of the net.
Of Lamia Zaidi, Wikipedia Lamia Zaidi, CV Lamia Zaidi, pictures of Lamia Zaidi
Country Morocco
Date of Birth 09 December
Of the rights to the art, a trip punctuated by several positions and stages experienced Moroccan Lamia Zaidi, led it to The Voice and who you think the most prominent articular station that you will know the Arab public.
Lived Lamia difficult phase of her life, after splitting from the person who was loving, art Ibadtha, while singing in front of Princess non Salma, what brought them hope and ambition, and began a new phase in her life.
Its top example in art is the depositary of the net.
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