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عملية التسجيل سهلة جدا فقط اسمك و ايميلك و رقم سري
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اذهب الى الأسفل
انثى عدد المساهمات : 18007
ذهب : 36295
تقييم المشاركات : 265
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/09/2011

Photos Sami Khedira and his wife Lena Kark 2012 porn pictures flagrantly Real Madrid player Sami Khedira and his wife Lena Kark naked pictures Empty Photos Sami Khedira and his wife Lena Kark 2012 porn pictures flagrantly Real Madrid player Sami Khedira and his wife Lena Kark naked pictures

الثلاثاء فبراير 14, 2012 12:07 pm
تقييم المساهمة: 100% (1)
Photos Sami Khedira and his wife Lena Kark 2012 porn pictures flagrantly Real Madrid player Sami Khedira and his wife Lena Kark naked pictures
Photos Sami Khedira and his wife Lena Kark 2012 porn pictures flagrantly Real Madrid player Sami Khedira and his wife Lena Kark naked pictures
Scandalous photos published by Spanish sports newspapers, most of which showed for the Real Madrid midfielder, German slope of Tunisian origin, accompanied by his wife, German, broad dissatisfaction expressed by many Tunisian newspapers, as well as pioneers of social networking especially the "Facebook" and "Twitter."

Newspapers quoted sports Spanish, including "Marca" and "S" and "El Mundo Deportivo" magazine "GQ" photographs showing the Khedira with his new wife, supermodel German Lena Kark in situations of breach and scandalous, unworthy player Arab and Muslim, cross-over once its pride in the Islamic religion.

He believed that most Arab commentators images Khedira which was shown with his wife and the two semi-naked, it is not befitting a player of Arab origin and Muslim religion to appear that way on the pages of magazines and newspapers, and many booed him courage to publish these images.

Not only the conviction and astonishment on the Arab commentators, but that many of the readers of the Spanish press who have left comments on the photos surprised the emergence of a player Muslim in a position that breach with his wife, German, and still the debate continues about the player, although some have tried to play down the subject, regarding it as a personal matter purely .

And became news Khedira and his wife, supermodel talk a lot of German newspapers, in view of the fame great for both, Fajderh a major player in national team of Germany and is considered one of the stars of German football at the moment, while the Kark and one of the leading fashion models in the country.

It seems that the bar association Khedira German would bring him many of the troubles in the coming period, as reported recently that the Spanish called Kark player to leave his current team Real Madrid and move to England and play in Manchester United next season.

According to these reports, the wife Khedira want to live in England next to her husband, mainly in the team Ferguson, who suffered from frequent absences in the middle

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