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عملية التسجيل سهلة جدا فقط اسمك و ايميلك و رقم سري
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انثى عدد المساهمات : 18007
ذهب : 36295
تقييم المشاركات : 265
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/09/2011

Download and watch the movie the hunt for bin Laden video youtube movie the hunt for bin Laden Empty Download and watch the movie the hunt for bin Laden video youtube movie the hunt for bin Laden

السبت مارس 03, 2012 3:45 am
Download and watch the movie the hunt for bin Laden video youtube movie the hunt for bin Laden
Download and watch the movie the hunt for bin Laden video youtube movie the hunt for bin Laden

Download and watch the movie the hunt for bin Laden video youtube movie the hunt for bin Laden

Activists demonstrated in the hard-line Hindu party Friday to protest the use of sites in India in the film, directed by Kathryn Bigelow about the U.S. hunt for Osama bin Laden.

The members of the party swept the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (in HP) Location filming in Chandigarh in northern India, which was designed part of the French architect - Le Corbusier Swiss, where he was team director portrays the U.S. four days ago.

The production team chose one of the markets of the city to shoot the raising banners in Urdu (the official language of Pakistan) and altering vehicle registration plates for taxis "Reksho" to bear registration plates Pakistani city of Lahore as they're hired for representation by people wearing the burqa.

A police officer who asked not to be named, told AFP in a telephone interview "We have pulled the signs written in Urdu and assaulted the team that was filming. And chanted slogans against Pakistan and wrested by force as well as the flags of Pakistan."

The secretary general of the party Ramkrishna Srivastava, "We do not want Pakistani flags on the ground in India. We do not accept that the Indian markets like Pakistan."

The film Kathryn Bigelow, who temporarily holds the title of "Zero Dark Terta" the story of the hunt for bin Laden, which ended in the second of May 2011 attack launched by an American commando task force on the city of Abbottabad Pakistan where al-Qaeda leader killed. It is expected to issue a film end of the year 2012.

Since the filming in Pakistan was unlikely I walked a lot of speculation in the press about the place you choose Oscar-winning director for Vimlha "The heart of the Lockyer) in the year 2010, to shoot her film.

And suggested that the Indian press that the re-building another house for bin Laden, who has washed away a few days ago, in the desert state of Rajasthan (west).

But a member of production teams, who asked not to be named, said Friday that it will happen in Jordan and not in India.

"We said (to the Hindu demonstrators) We are not against Hindus or against India or Pakistan. It's just a movie."
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