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عملية التسجيل سهلة جدا فقط اسمك و ايميلك و رقم سري

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نبض الشارع
سجل و تمتع بخدمات موقعنا
عملية التسجيل سهلة جدا فقط اسمك و ايميلك و رقم سري
نبض الشارع
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
انثى عدد المساهمات : 18007
ذهب : 36295
تقييم المشاركات : 265
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/09/2011

Who is Ahmed Al-Zubair Ahmed al-Sanusi CV-Sanusi and Zubair Ahmed Zubair Akiiedia image Sanusi Empty Who is Ahmed Al-Zubair Ahmed al-Sanusi CV-Sanusi and Zubair Ahmed Zubair Akiiedia image Sanusi

الأربعاء مارس 07, 2012 1:39 am
Who is Ahmed Al-Zubair Ahmed al-Sanusi CV-Sanusi and Zubair Ahmed Zubair Akiiedia image Sanusi
Who is Ahmed Al-Zubair Ahmed al-Sanusi CV-Sanusi and Zubair Ahmed Zubair Akiiedia image Sanusi
Who is Ahmed Al-Zubair Ahmed al-Sanusi CV-Sanusi and Zubair Ahmed Zubair Akiiedia image Sanusi

Zubair Ahmed al-Sanusi political Libby, and a member of the Transitional National Assembly. Born Zubair Ahmed al-Sanusi in Marsa Matruh in 1933, and was his family had emigrated in 1928 to
Posted in 1954 on a mission to study military science in Iraq, with 20 students from Tripoli and Cyrenaica, and in that year was Abraham Alhalaha facilities King Idris al-Sanusi's assassination at the hands of Mr. Sharif Muhyiddin al-Sanusi (a cousin of Ahmed Zubair), so cut the grant it, but his colleagues sympathized with him, and divided their salaries with him to the end of the session. [1] He graduated from the Military Academy in Iraq in 1958 he returned to Libya in 1965 on condition of belonging to the armed forces. After the coup in September 1969, tried in 1970 with a group of officers, and civilians, the overthrow of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, but prison after detection of the attempt, and was released in 2001 is thus the longest prison term between the Libyan prisoners.
Is now an official in the Transitional National Assembly on the representation of political prisoners.
On October 27, 2011, chosen by the European Parliament with four other Arab citizens of the Sakharov Prize for freedom of the jaw
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